Friday, June 4, 2010

4 June 2010

phew.....finally got some time to sit down on the bed to college life is sooo damn stressful lol....haha....

anyway,first things first.....
OMFG I HAVE A NEW HANDPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahaha
and also i had to waste around 900 bucks to get it tough....which is not cool...T_T
yet!it has a 8.1 megapixel which on the other hand is totally cool!!!!!

and re-formated my comp.and it seemed i screwed my comp more than ever lol...maybe the software i chose wasnt stable enough lol....

then,college life is kinda peaceful for me coz i don't have much friends i spended most of the time sitting in a place and think some deep thoughts.haha
i spended my first day there by walking the whole campus which i thought i walked it trough already but it seem i was just walking like only half of the place....WOW

oh well,back to studies then~have to study hard already if not i will DIE in this place....just the introduction for the subjects can make someone stress like crap lol.....

ok then,chows and wish me luck~^^