Thursday, January 12, 2012

Reminiscing the past

ah yes the old excuse for not blogging for so long. LOL
i have reasonssss.
in fact, i have been on the bed too long now.
watching MANY dramas and series. 

man its sem break and i feel so lifeless.
oh well, i still Thank God for my current state of life ^^

and it seemed like everytime i have a sem break, i will always do a spring cleaning on my rooms.
it seemed like wherever i go i always end up cleaning stuffs. HA HA
i am a tidy person! 

so now i am about to prat about things that are in the past.
feelings about some things to be precise.
how many of you ACTUALLY remembered what is your feeling when you get something when you are small?
like you liked a toy so much that you'd shoot your foot for it.
and one day your parents came back home with that in their hands.
and then they give it to you.

the feeling was epic right!!
i still have my toys that i loved!
and i kinda still have it till now!
ah, all those glory days.
and i would play with it every single day after i get back from school.
bring it to the bathroom and spend hours inside there playing epic underwater battle. HA HA
i appreciated the toy so much last time that i wont look at other toys anymore.

but havent you noticed that, the older we get, the harder for us to feel that feeling anymore.
when you get something you want now, you would just go *ohhhh yeahhh!* for like 2 days and the next day *aw man this is so old school*
yeah, its kinda hard appreciating things now in this modern era.
i walked through the market a few days back, there were hardly toys sold there anymore.
last time, kids were always there crying thier butts off just for a piece of plastic. now?
they sell cigarettes or something just so they can get money to a cyber cafe to play dota.

LOL oh how has time changed.
i think i posted up something like this once right?
oh i think i do. 
well, just goes to show how lucky we are now as the kids from the nineties. 

as much as i would like to put up pictures in my blog again, but i am having problems with my camera and phone's memory card. so i will put the pictures up abit later.
surely it wont be much of an interesting photos of some plastic materials no? LOL

oh well, i am done pratting.
gosh i am getting lamer and lazier. LOL