Wait, this isn't usual. LOL
In fact this might be one of the few times I prat about politics.
So recently PSY came to Penang, Malaysia to perform Gangnam Style for the people of Penang!
And yes, the performance was extraordinary, but what comes before and after the performance is the main highlights.
We all know PSY is famous for Gangnam Style.
And hiring him to Malaysia costs RM2.1M apparently.
Which is cool, cause people likes it.
But guess what, his performance was delayed by 1 hour or so.
I mean come on, I know of Malaysian's lack of punctuality but this?
Its ridonkulous.
You invited an international star to perform and end up delaying his performance?
Not cool bro. NOT COOL.
But lets watch the video before I prat anymore.
And the speech before his performance?
Bro, you wanna win the election so much to the extent of throwing your dignity away is it.
When people say no, IT MEANS NO.
Stop asking the same question over and over again please.
Its like sticking your face into the feces over and over again.
Looks like BN is getting treatment like kannaPSY now huh. HAHHAH!
Oh and kannaPSY is just a bad pun.
Don't bother get the joke if you aren't a hokkien person which is a good thing.
But finally huh, after the Listen, listen, listen case, at least the public knows how to reply.
Which reminds me, I didn't blogged about the listen listen listen trend huh?
Maybe I should blog next HAHHA!
I hear that BN also tried to make PSY sing BN Style.
Which is.... just... ughh...
But thank heavens PSY rejected that offer.
I am sorry if I offended BN peoples but yeah that kinda crossed the line.
Throwing BN's face for an election? Fine by me.
By all means, go ahead.
But you do know PSY is an international star no?
What happens when the video gets to other country and this piece of news reaches there too?
They will be like "Ohhh those Malaysians are so thick faced" or "Man, never knew Malaysians were this ____"
Fill in the blanks. Any answer is possible.
Let me make it a better picture for ya'll out there.
I will quote this from a page from facebook.
1. The delayed PSY Performance.
RIDING on the wave of attention just before PSY shows up, Teng Chang Yeow, Najib and Rosmah consecutively put up their monkey shows to 'entertain' the audience. PSY's performance was delayed from 1130 to 1215.
2. Najib's son's speech.
This speech had only one purpose: To use Najib's son's Chinese-speaking skills to engage the audience. However, this failed miserably when all the audience could hear was: 古人常说,"一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春"and "一分耕耘,一分收获", which by the way, had nothing to do with what he had to say.
3. Najib's attempts to engage the audience.
When Najib shouted "Satu!", many of the local UMNO youth shouted, "Malaysia!" But when Najib shouted "一个!" Nobody answered him. He repeated it thrice. And the silence repeated itself thrice.
4. Rosmah's performance
The audience, now impatient to see PSY, BOOed when Rosmah surfaced on stage to sing CNY songs. But singing was too laborious a task for our plump, pampered first lady, who could only lip-sync to the background music.
5. The FAILED impromptu attempt to trick PSY to 捞生
Teng Chang Yeow, Najib, Rosmah, Abdullah Badawi were ready with their chopsticks. But PSY, who had arrived since 6am, refused to appear on stage to 捞生with the BN leaders to preserve his neutrality. After a few minutes, all the BN leaders were ousted off the stage to make way for the Glorious Gangnam.
6. "Are you ready for BN?" "NO!"
"Are you ready for PSY?" asked the Emcee.
"Yes!" cheered the people.
"Are you ready for BN?" asked the Emcee, slipping in a trick question.
"NO!" thundered the people who were not fooled.
* CORRECTION: The 'EMCEE' is Najib himself, we have verified this fact from footage and personal accounts of attendees. Which makes it....even funnier!
7. Leaving before Najib
No group photos, no handshakes. As soon as PSY shouted, "Thank you very much!", and while Najib was still trembling in his seat, people left theirs, leaving behind piles of uneaten food. The Emcee was as quiet as a clam, knowing that it would be impossible to call the crowd back.
Psy came for the money. The people came for the free food and performances. Who cares about BN and its bid for power?
This is all that apparently happened at the concert in Penang.
Luckily BN didn't interfered with PSY's encore request for another round of Gangnam Style.
If they do, things would be really bad.
But Kudos PSY! For being a supporter of public than BN.
I salute you bro :)
In order not to touch anymore sensitive topic,I guess I shall end my post now.
In the end, let us all enjoy some Gangnam Style shall we :)