Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The moon is blue tonight.


I, once again,
Have emerged from the ashes of the phoenix, going through a never ending cycle of staying and leaving this blog LOL

Well, much has happened in the past year.
I grew.
And shrank.
Physically I mean.
It has almost been 3 years since I started my body building routine, and my growth fluctuates after my 2nd year or working out.
Mainly due to assignments work examinations girlfriend(SERIOUSLY)...... excuses

There I am, back again with not much updates despite many things has occurred in the past 1 year.
I have no idea where to begin
Maybe with the fact I have graduated and I am getting ready for the working life?

I would rather talk about friends.
Throughout this 1 year, I have grew closer to certain peoples in my life
However, I am still struggling with the little issue I would like to call T.R.U.S.T
As easy it may seem for people to share stuffs with other people, I don't know why is it so hard for me to share my stuffs with people
Maybe cause of the mindset I have set whereby I will only divulge my life to only one person, which is the one(her duh)
But given the fact I don't divulge myself to other people to know me, how would I even find the one

That right there, is the ultimate irony.

Oh well, life goes on.

And another very important life advice I can give to ya'll out there.
Regardless the weather or type of sports or how good you are(which you are really not)
Wear them far king shoes. Always remember this date boy 18.08.15 Adrian.
The day, you tore your legs to half.
And I do hope you didn't forgot 21.09.12 where you almost died in a car crash.

Damn Adrian, your life is getting more and more interesting.

Aw man I really missed blogging, hahah could have earned some cash if I continued my blogging shenanigans from 4 years ago.
Ahh how time flies, now my studying phase is done and over with, now for adulthood.

Speaking of adulthood, I wonder what would Malaysia be in a few years.
Yesterday was Malaysia's independence day and so I am being patriotic by writing this bedridden-ed at home. Cause my leg is being a retard cause of the accident on stated date.
Bersih 4, would have gone there if my leg wasn't retarded.
Nevertheless, I still love my country.
Granted the currency is falling badly at the moment and our government is playing with racism issued, but I gotta give credit to our government.
They sure gave the world a big laugh.

Annnnddd off topics again. Guess this is a trait I will never change hahahah

Neeways, its time to sign off once again.
Peace out ya'll! God bless!!