and IT WAS AWESUM!! boy what a night....hahhah
well,having a party at night playing with water,flour and all those party things?LOL
it was a REAL BASH. we had lotsa fun and laughter throughout the night (from 12AM to like around 2AM xP)we played 3 tricks on him~
1 water balloon
2 flour bath
3 un-meltable candle? ahhah
but after that we had to clean. ALOT. powder,strings,cream,water,everything is everywhere!! and i think its worth the fun since we only have it once in a while~
its good for releasing stress too~^^
and while cleaning,we played with water. AGAIN. aaaaaand for some reason i managed to flood my room =\
but then again i feel poor for those who were trying to sleep at that time when we were goofing around screaming and shouting!!
oh and by the way,i realize that the best cure for a STRESSED up person is a nice cup or mug of DESSERT! so for those who are stressed out,a trip little to mcd wouldn't kill you as much as the stress would. order a cup of Mcflurry then sit back and check out some chicks along the way~ =)
PS: notice the differences between STRESSED and DESSERTS. yes its a trick question.LOL
and soon after that....i finally realize....that i have the best house mates,friends and family that the world could ever have.....okay maybe sometimes things hit my head too hard for me to think straight....but now i realize that there are some other people who is more unfortunate compared to its not always about me only....its about all of us.
and finally(again ^^) i know.....that i had...wait...HAVE to change....i am still in the process of changing....building up my self confidence to meet other people,cheering up those who are down...helping those who need help. and obviously help my self along the way also ^^
plus,lately there has been a girl(OH MY GOSH A GIRL?!?!?!?)...i have been....errrr....checking on?^^"
i wanted to get a long with her...but she seem kinda....hard to approach. well about the name even i don't know her real name.LOL i don't DO stalking okay. thats cheap ==
so i am looking for an opportunity to get along with her.
but i dont think she even notices me....well duh,i am bad at talking. so its kinda hard.
but i will start hope for that one day, i could talk to her casually...^^
what you think i have a crush on her? well maybe,but i wont say about this first. i just wanted to get along with her first ^^
and so i still walking around the campus alone. hey walking alone don't mean you are an emo bastard, its called *being a badass* okay =)
and i did some survey with my friends.
asking what is my first impression on them. some said cool, some say just acting emo(well sorry about that lah cause thats just the real me k). but when i ask them what they think after they know me. everyone say friendly and funny. well its good to know that i changed their expression in a good way.
oh and i have been training myself recently~ why? of course for a buffer body. LOL
i wanted to train myself because i noticed that am starting to get FAT >.<" just kidding, i looked like a living skeleton walking around. i am getting thinner and i have to do something. because trust me, being too thin is NOT (DEFINITELY NOT) a good thing.
and i will be off for the next few weeks,i SERIOUSLY need to start studying.
and so this time's blog posts will end here.
but will be back on blogging soon! ^^
sorry for all the grammar mistakes i've made. i am just lazy to reread what i wrote.hahah and its raw thoughts i decided to post it on blogger~LOL
thanks for visiting~ byes!
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