Warning. Beyond this point is fully a teenagers life style which have no concern with any kiddies of adulties or oldies explained by this blog's writer. And if you are stupid enough to follow all this, contact the writer ASAP, and while your waiting please enjoy this tone do do do do do do do do do do do.Viewers Discretion is advised.
hey! today i will be ranting about a teenagers daily life style! well,at least from my point of view though.LOL
most of em are craps but most of us teenagers does it.SERIOUSLY
so my morning began with my alarm tone (sorry sorry answer piano version which is cool!)
got up from my bed and realized i am GOING to be late for class but still taking my time in the shower. brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, brush my body, ect.
and then slowly decide which hair style should i do today,(trojan,mohawk,broom style maybe?) pick a jeans(light blue or white?=/) that is matching with my shirt, pack my bags, wear my shoes(i think black would look nice~oh wait,maybe white?). and i am ready! to head to bed again! (nah just joking~BUT SERIOUSLY)
after i locked my room door, lock my gate, rode half way to the campus, i blindly realize(oh crap where is my ID?!) and ride back to hostel to retrieve it. and i locked my room door again, rode half way to the campus, i blindly realize AGAIN....my keys are hanging on my room door!!!
and then we do it all over again!
and so finally came to class late with a SMILE to avoid getting nagged by teacher~
and when i reached class, the daily C.L.A.S.S routine is applied~which is
git it?;)
oh what about our breakfast or lunch? i dont know. maybe its spelled in the word BRUNCH where we eat in the late noons? LOL
and when night falls, we hang out with friends. you know? talking crap, letting out farts(really loud ones!), cam whores, acting like a bunch of idiots along the road just to get some girls attention (which we failed,LITERALLY) so we decided to yumcha at the nearest place and continue our crap there~
and i reached home for like 12am and realize.....OH SH*T i haven't took a shower!!
aww who cares.i can do it tommorrow~*faceplants on teh bed and sleep!*
what about dinner and supper??? well, its spelled in the word dipper(idkwth is that but certainly spells like diaper!) i think?
and tommorrow morning, we do it all over again!
isn't life wonderful~=)
PS:this is juz one of my daily rants.it wasn't meant to be real. maybe it could be SOMEONE'S life style (not mine.mine is alot simpler!)
PSS:DONT take this for real.
PSSS:if you are a kid who wants to be a teenager fast.DONT follow my guide.or you will end up BAD
TeeHee~! =D
chjvbjk.hnkltfhj,bfg,fblvmn diu ni lao mu ma chao hai...fucl you o0o.....fuck off o0o...u thhink u short cut king
chjvbjk.hnkltfhj,bfg,fblvmn diu ni lao mu ma chao hai...fucl you o0o.....fuck off o0o...u thhink u short cut king,my fren u so handsome,because u like 1 star...coz u pee is sit down de....da bai sha,,拜托不要每天装帅咯,拜托装了又不帅。。。越装越傻,傻又要傻的酱离谱。。。性交uのエイドリアンは、地獄であなたに腐敗を願って。。。난 당신이 그 사람보다 약간 짧은 보여 수행할 수 소원, 그리고 기술의 머리 농구...موافق أن كل شيء ، الأمل تموت بسرعة... وداعا ونقول وداعا للالقضيب الخاص بك
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