Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The moon is blue tonight.


I, once again,
Have emerged from the ashes of the phoenix, going through a never ending cycle of staying and leaving this blog LOL

Well, much has happened in the past year.
I grew.
And shrank.
Physically I mean.
It has almost been 3 years since I started my body building routine, and my growth fluctuates after my 2nd year or working out.
Mainly due to assignments work examinations girlfriend(SERIOUSLY)...... excuses

There I am, back again with not much updates despite many things has occurred in the past 1 year.
I have no idea where to begin
Maybe with the fact I have graduated and I am getting ready for the working life?

I would rather talk about friends.
Throughout this 1 year, I have grew closer to certain peoples in my life
However, I am still struggling with the little issue I would like to call T.R.U.S.T
As easy it may seem for people to share stuffs with other people, I don't know why is it so hard for me to share my stuffs with people
Maybe cause of the mindset I have set whereby I will only divulge my life to only one person, which is the one(her duh)
But given the fact I don't divulge myself to other people to know me, how would I even find the one

That right there, is the ultimate irony.

Oh well, life goes on.

And another very important life advice I can give to ya'll out there.
Regardless the weather or type of sports or how good you are(which you are really not)
Wear them far king shoes. Always remember this date boy 18.08.15 Adrian.
The day, you tore your legs to half.
And I do hope you didn't forgot 21.09.12 where you almost died in a car crash.

Damn Adrian, your life is getting more and more interesting.

Aw man I really missed blogging, hahah could have earned some cash if I continued my blogging shenanigans from 4 years ago.
Ahh how time flies, now my studying phase is done and over with, now for adulthood.

Speaking of adulthood, I wonder what would Malaysia be in a few years.
Yesterday was Malaysia's independence day and so I am being patriotic by writing this bedridden-ed at home. Cause my leg is being a retard cause of the accident on stated date.
Bersih 4, would have gone there if my leg wasn't retarded.
Nevertheless, I still love my country.
Granted the currency is falling badly at the moment and our government is playing with racism issued, but I gotta give credit to our government.
They sure gave the world a big laugh.

Annnnddd off topics again. Guess this is a trait I will never change hahahah

Neeways, its time to sign off once again.
Peace out ya'll! God bless!!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mong is back. Temporarily.

Hello readers! If you are still reading lol
Oh and if you were wondering about the Mong, its my current nickname I have adapted last year. It started as a joke cause people were calling me blur, cause I am blur in things I have little interest on, so instead of blur, I nicknamed myself after Song Ji Hyo's nickname, Mong Ji Hyo.
We were in a way both alike, blur at most time, but when it comes down to business, we'll nail it.
Okay I realize I am overselling myself in the previous statement lol.
Shortly, Mong in Korean means blur. And blur means not focusing on something. Photography term used in the real world situation as an expression of not being able to comprehend in a situation.

Well, I am back like after 1 year and 2 months.
Why? For no good reason. HAHHA
I love to blog, I really do, but time has always been my enemy.
Well you know what they say, enemy is no worse than a friend.
Cause my friends are my dramas..... HAHAHHA oh snap I sounded so alone. Rofl

Anyways, have been really busy for the past year because of work and work and work.
And just today I found the tab for my blog. I FORGOTTEN MY BLOG'S ADDRESS MANNNN
So just a short update, am still in the dead town called Kampar where everybody knows everybody and foods are as fattening as hell.
Progress for study, only 5 months left! Yay!
Progress on body building, I am not 40% away from Jeremy Renner's physique. All I need now is some mass and I am hawkeye! I would really wanna look like Chris Evans but I know thats just a far cry :(

Oh well, life.

Am slowly reverting to my usual mentality, which sounds pessimistic but I find it is useful. All you can depend and need is yourself.
While I love the company of others, I also love the idea of going to places alone.
Just recently I learned that the "alone" label also comes with the "wierdo" label. I was like daheck?!
So one can't go places alone? Since when did everyone became so co-dependent on each other lol.
Oh well, sidetracked once again as usual. Haahah anyways, will be posting up useless rants for future Adrian here.
The current me thinks that the "alone mentality" is not such a bad option to venture in at all. Like what I thought of when I firstly came in Kampar. But don't ever forget, if you want to have that mentality, make sure you have the skills and ability to do it.
Uchiha Sasuke has always been my example. (Anime?! Yes, one is never too old for anime)
He is always doing everything alone because he is smart and strong enough to handle the world and his clingy best friend, Naruto. Lol.

And with a little browsing here and there.....
Now that I have re-read my old blog post's, I find myself very........ melodramatic. And my english at that time? Wow even Shakespear bow down man. And I mean that, VERY sarcastically. Lol

Back to the point, I also can't believe how I have changed in the matter or 3 years in Kampar. I changed in both sense, good and bad. One of the good is that I am a little more sociable now. Bad is that I absorbed some of the attitudes I vowed once to never have. Gossips.

Thing about gossip is that it just keeps spreading. And if you try to get out of the loop, YOU'LL be the gossip. So in other words, if you deviate from the practice, you'll be judged and criticized.

That there my friends, is the REAL world.

Nobody said the real world is nice and fair, nobody said that in the real world everything will go accordingly as you have planned.

Nobody said......................... that I am running off topic again. Lol hahahahahahahahah

But who knows, the future holds unlimited possibilities. I don't know how much I will change from now on, but this blog shall be the memento of my changes from time to time.

Am supposed to write this once every month but.... oh well.

Hope to see you guys again real soon! :) God bless!


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Langkawi Trip and Iron Family!!

Whoa after almost a whole sem(5 months) of not blogging, I guess I am a lil tad rusty in my language already lol

So I am back again.
At odds hours.

So just had an AWESOME trip with my family in Christ to Langkawi!
4D3N was a hell of an adventure lol.
Travelling in places we don't know, meet people we don't know, but a familiar and laughable companions!

Despite the things that has happened, we had loads of fun!
Its all because He brought us through it.
We couldn't have done it alone
And I am glad that God placed us all in one place and have us meet each other, I really am :)

Langkawi was a swell place to just sit back and relax and enjoy the scenaries.
A little sneak peak of part of Langkawi!

I really hope to go for another trip again with this bunch of crazies! :D

Not only that, I've found myself in another family, The Iron Family!

This bunch of people are also crazy and are fun to be around with ahahah
Not only we do crazy stuffs to entertain ourselves, but we also strive together in our assignments too!

Above all, I would just like to thank God for showering me with all kinds of blessings :)

And yes, I guess thats more or less about the fun stuff that happened to me recently.
I swear there are much, much more but I just can't remember it currently. 
Oh look it rhymes! AHAHHA
Anyways, more to come!

This is a surprisingly short post considering that I've been gone for 5 months. Lol

Okay idk what else to write about anymore. 
My brain is just as the brain of a pigeon.
I am very forgetful lolol

I will leave it at this:
We all have our ups and downs, its all the matter of whether do you wanna focus on whats coming next or keep on staring on what has happened. Perspective plays an important part in this :)

Have a blessed day peeps!


Sunday, May 5, 2013


Well, its kinda awkward that I appear now after being away for so long.

But I think I wanna share this to the rest of the world.

Malaysia now is a MESS.
Riots everywhere, banners as if it is rubbish on the pole, advertisements and talks everywhere.
People badmouthing each other, cursing, vandalize, fights.
I mean, we are all the same right?

But thankfully, all that will be over today because its the Election day.

I am excited for the change. Really.
But also sad to see what has Malaysia has become.

Its like Malaysia is divided into 2 parts now.
The supporters and the non-supporters.
Interacial issues has been raised up once again.
And apparently, foreign workers gets to vote for Malaysia's government and gets a temporary IC.
You don't simply call knights and citizens from Narnia to vote for Hokages in Naruto anime right

And because one party wants to win so badly, they started a mini inter-domestic war.
Come on, what you do will be judge by the society.
Bribery? Your call.
Unlimited advertistments? Our money.
The list goes on, but lets just leave it at that.

But you know what, every bad things has its silver lining.
Because of some party's wrongdoings, we Malaysians are finally standing up together
Regardless of skin color, age, race or gender
We finally stood up as one.
And that is what every country strives for, Unity.

Because of sensitive issues, I wont say I am gonna support which side : BN or Pakatan Rakyat.
More specifically, I can't vote cause I am underage.
But one thing I know for sure is that Malaysia REALLY need a change now. More than ever.

I am not really a patriotic kinda person, but I wouldn't like to see my own country crash and burn.

So to all ya'll out there who will be voting, vote wisely and vigilantly.
Its time to stand up and protect our rights.

Changes can only take place if everyone takes action.

INI KALI LAH!!!(It literally means "This time for sure!")