Saturday, January 1, 2011

new year? new resolution!

oh yeah!!!
totally forgot about this years resolution.
well,only a few i have in my mind.
#1 Be a better person!(Less emo,Less desperate,More open,More talkative)
#2 Pump my body to shape!(Literally)
#3 Study harder!(Although i HATE studying....but its for the future right?)
#4 Be more independent!(No more momma's boy!!)
#5 Find myself a GF maybe?(Well at least until i am able to manage myself well first!)
and 6....well not the exactly most important one but i shall include in my list
#6 GET A DECENT HAIRSTYLE(Seriously need one like RIGHT NOW)

and so yeah,i just hope i will be able to achieve all those above.
but the real resolution is.....To go further beyond my limits!!!
well,limits as in like in aspects both physically and mentally.(hey i don't mean *beyond my limits* as in go crazy or change into some sort of mutant wasn't meant to be taken seriously!)

and so there ya have new year's resolution.
and currently waiting for my finals result.
hmmm,just hope that all my work will pay off....
i want to get out of this country as fast as possible....why?
well,i have loads of reasons why.but now isn't the best time for me to say it though.

anyways,cheers and happy new year(again)!

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